Everywhere around us, measurements are being taken to slow down COVID-19 virus (Corona) outbreak as much as possible. We, as a team of midwives, work according to the regional protocols and work together with hospitals and other midwifes.
We as well are forced to work extra carefully. That’s why the following measurements will apply to secure the safety for everybody:
- Call us by phone and don’t come to the practice when you have a cold, fever or when you cough
- Come to the appointment alone: children and partners need to stay at home
- We won’t shake hands
- The controls during pregnancy will partly, as far as possible, done by phone. The appointment at the consultation hours is only for medical check. In this way, we keep the physical contact as short as possible and as less people as possible will wait in the waiting room
- We will minimalize house visits as much as possible
- Workshops which are organised in our practice will be cancelled. (we will use video and digital information)
- There is at this moment, as always, a freedom of choice to give birth at home or in the hospital
- If you want to give bith in the hospital you can bring only one person extra.
- In case labour has started and you have a temperature above >38 degrees C or if you have a cold or when you cough, please tell us by telephone.
Postnatal period
- To reduce physic contact as much as possible the visits after birth will also be as little as possible.
- Consults will be done by phone. If necessary a consult at home will take place. In general we advice to keep visits after birth as little as possible.
We do understand the measurements above are strict and we hope for your understanding.
Of course, we will do anything to be there for you and to stay healthy!
For questions, we are always available by phone (24/7)