When to call us?
When to call when giving birth?
Verloskundigen Amsterdam Zuid can be reached night and day on an emergency number specifically for childbirths. When to call depends on the duration of the pregnancy and the situation.
Less than 37 weeks pregnant
Call the emergency number immediately if you’re less than 37 weeks pregnant and have contractions or are losing amniotic fluid. The emergency number is: 06-5462 0724.

Pregnant for longer than 37 weeks
If you’re pregnant for more than 37 weeks, call the emergency number 06-5462 0724 in the following situations:
- If you have contractions every 5 minutes. This means 1 minute contraction, 4 minutes break, 1 minute contraction, 4 minutes break, etc. for at least 1 hour.
- Excessive blood loss.
- If you are losing amniotic fluid that isn’t clear, i.e. that is green or brown. If the amniotic fluid is clear or pink and it happens during the day, call us to let us know about it.
- If you are concerned.
Other questions
Do you have any other questions or would you like to make an appointment for a consultation? Call our clinical assistants on working days between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm and make an appointment with one of our midwives in Amsterdam-Zuid.