Pregnant in Amsterdam?
Pregnancy is a very special life experience. It is an exciting time in which you have many questions and become reacquainted with your body. It is also a time in which you start to make a connection with the child growing in your belly and in which you and your partner make preparations for the time to come. During this entire process you can rely on the care provided by Verloskundigen Amsterdam Zuid. We are there for you, with personal care and attention and years of experience.

Becoming pregnant?
Whether you are already pregnant or would like to become pregnant, we are there to help you. Even if children are still a future dream, it could be good to prepare yourself by obtaining the right information. We will be happy to answer all your questions and will refer you to a specialist if you require specific care.
Positive pregnancy test
If you are already pregnant, it is of course important to find a midwife. You can do this as soon as you have a positive pregnancy test. Call or email us and we will set up an appointment for an initial consultation. You do not need a referral from your GP for this.
Confidence in your body
During your pregnancy, so much is happening to you and around you that you probably have many questions, as well as doubts. We can help you with that, by providing you with information, answering questions and following the development of your child during consultations and via ultrasound scans. In particular, we can make you feel confident that your body can do exactly what it was designed to do: become pregnant and deliver a child.

Tailored personal care and always a trusted midwife
We have midwives with extensive experience and great commitment who are dedicated to helping you. We don’t believe in intervention just for the sake of it. We believe in the primal force of your mind and body and will support you in every possible way. However, if you do want or need some extra help, that option is always open. That is the personal care we will always offer you; customised to your needs and administered by one of our trusted midwives.
Extra care during the pregnancy
If you need extra care in addition to this personal care, such as a psychologist, physical therapist, coach or other healthcare professional, this is possible, too. We have a group of carefully selected partners with whom we collaborate and who are at your disposal if you want or need them.
Unplanned or unwanted?
Perhaps the pregnancy is not what you expected or hoped for, or perhaps it is unplanned or unwanted. In such cases, we are there for you, too. Let us know and we will help you gain clarity and determine a next step.
Your midwife in Amsterdam-Zuid
You can find us at two locations in Amsterdam-Zuid: at Churchillaan and Willemsparkweg. If you would like to meet us or schedule your first consultation, make an appointment now and we will greet you at our clinic soon.